Resimli Bilgi -Ek
Illustrated Information -Appendix
KartonKitap x Metehan Özcan
Self Published
Print Run: 500
Printed at A4 Ofset
This object is
an offer by KartonKitap (N. Toros Mutlu and Umut Altıntaş), as an “Appendix” in
book form to Metehan Özcan’s work Resimli Bilgi. Deconstructing found images,
collages appropriated of illustrations from various sources and photographs
Özcan had taken, the book presents a map-like, indexical guide. ¶ The idea
behind Resimli Bilgi -Ek is to let the book design itself in any book’s
conventional journey on its way to become a “book”. Based on Özcan’s pattern of
gathering his images on the surface of a wall in order to recreate randomized
layers of definitions in the original encyclopaedia of Resimli Bilgi, five
100x70 cm sized 16-page signature sheets have been treated as if they’re
“walls” and images juxtaposed on these surfaces. The book, and its design, only
reveals itself after these five sheets have been folded, cut and placed onto
each other as pages. Thus, it was not the book that has been designed, but its
condition “before being a book”. ¶ By reversing the relationship between the
mise-en-scene and mise-en-page, the book has been enabled to create its own
visual language with a method based on a “calculated randomness”.